I apologise in advance; if over the comings months or extending into the future; either myself or my people end up coming across like fanatics or zealots as we passionately shout 'The Truth' from the rooftops trying to spread the word! We knew this day was coming for a long time and that's why we're so angry about what is REALLY GOING ON! We have tried to bring 'The Truth' up many times before now to our families, friends, acquaintances, colleagues & associates but it mostly fell on deaf ears. Some of us Scientists, Medical Staff, Researchers, Political Activists, Historians, Economists, Ethical-Journalists, Public Sector Workers and Self-Educated-Common-Folk who have either known 'The Truth' or have been doing research on it for many years; know beyond a shadow of a doubt what is really at play here. It may seem far-fetched but; WORLD DOMINATION is what is at stake and the 'Powers That Really Be' have been cultivating it for a long time and it will be near its completion soon if nothing is done to stop it! Please understand that if we're coming across as 'a bit too much' or 'over the top' it's because the twisted fate that is now upon us; is something that we knew was coming our way but were hoping that it wouldn't happen in our lifetime ..but.. IT HAS! This is not 'our opinion' this is just how things really are! We just ask that you start questioning EVERYTHING, self-educate and do your own research;
...I apologise in advance for what you're going to discover; which is: 'THE UGLY TRUTH' but everyone needs to know about it; so, at the right time; we can ALL UNITE AGAINST IT!
.....That time is coming!
Lots of love Fifi T
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