Mark Poulin
on April 7, 2021
He wants to honor the hundreds of dead, by using government force to steal the property of millions of gun owners; thusly starting a second civil war resulting in millions of deaths.
"#CommonSenseGunReform" is #Coercion, #Violence, #Confiscation, and #CivilWar.
#SecondAmendment #2ndAmendment #2A #EveryDayCarry #EDC #CCDL #VCDL #GunOwnersOfAmerica #Freedom #USA
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You a fool boy not given any up
April 7, 2021
Mark Poulin
Mark Poulin replied - 1 reply
Team America Platform
Yeah because no one died of gun violence before 1791 when the whole country ratified the 2nd Amendment. In those days there was no cost or risks or dangers inherent in keeping and bearing arms. Weapons were safer back then. People were less intelligent back then having too, and just recently stopped... View More
April 10, 2021 Edited