Mark Poulin
on April 2, 2021
Less than 0.7% of Americans have had COVID symptoms in the past week: Per the Delphi Group.
The mortality rate is 1.8% for those infected: according to Johns Hopkins (and that includes people with comorbidities [other things killing them]).
Over 16% of the US population is fully vaccinated: per the CDC (and that does not include people who had the virus and are now immune).
There are new strains, but they are less scary. Why? Because viruses want to reproduce, so the newer strains are usually less fatal since it is hard to reproduce in dead hosts.
Your chance of being sick is 0.7%. Your chance of getting sick and then dying is 0.0126%. You have a 16% chance you are already vaccinated fully: that translates to being nearly 1270 times more likely to get a COVID vaccine than to die of COVID, at this point in the United States.
If you are still locked down, still scared, and still wearing face diapers then you are so well beyond reason, facts, logic, and basic risk assessment that you may as well give up on yourself. You're not useful to yourself or anyone at this point if you are still paralyzed by fear over this cold.
#COVID #Coronavirus #COVID19 #COVIDVaccine #SARSCoV2 #Lockdown #Shutdown #ChineseVirus #ChinaVirus #WuhanVirus
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