Bill Blust Jr
on March 14, 2021
I ask myself, why there is razor wire topped security fencing surrounding the Capitol.
In my humble opinion, I can only believe that our elected leaders in government have something to fear. Why else have a fence and Troops? But, what do they fear? If they were truly representing "We The People" and doing a good job then there would be no cause for fear.
I can only assume that these elected leaders know that the American people are fed up with their shenanigans, well, at least half of the American population is.
Yesterday I vented to my wife about the 1.9 TRILLION Covid Relief Bill and how approximately 1.2 TRILLION has nothing to do with helping American people or small businesses. I told her I'm sick and tired of the corruption within our government. She gently reminded me there has always been corruption within our government. I sadly agreed but said not on a scale we see today.
There should be outrage by the American people concerning this Covid Relief Bill. But sadly, many will sit idly by and say nothing while anxiously awaiting their free $1,600.00 these leaders are so generous to give. Do these people even realize that it's their own tax money funding this bill? That this 1.9 TRILLION puts America futher in debt?? Do they realize that their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren will be working endless hours to attempt to pay off this debt that will be impossible to pay off?
Yes, our elected leaders know they are doing the American people dirty. They also know many Americans are awake to what they are doing. Quite possibly their fear is justified by their own actions.
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