Will we go to our fellow Patriots' aid? My landlady - Marti Perry (an SJW - Bramwell Manor, Fernley, NV, 775-745-1321, bramwell.manor@yahoo.com - https://www.facebook.com/marti.perry.98) - just posted a notice to my door that s/he would NOT renew my lease come April 1st. One day after I posted - TO ALL SOCIAL MEDIA - my letter to the Nevada Secretary Of State DEMANDING that she invalidate Biden's "win". I can't get another apartment, due to the fact that - because of (((affirmative action))) - all the apartment managers are SJWs, feminazis, minority females, man haters, and liberals/communists. >>> THEY HAVE A COMPLETE NETWORK SET IN PLACE! My next stop could be homelessness but I still have my job. How long before I get doxxed from that?HOW MANY MILLIONS OF YOU WILL JOIN ME?These communists are serious about paying us back for supporting Conservatism, Patriotism, and Trump.deanberryministry.org
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