Rebecca Lambert
on March 5, 2021
Watch for Black Widow spiders if you are here in the south. Its warming up. Draining our water tank to put a filter on our well & look what crawled out from under our insulation.
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 118.25 Kb
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Michael Blankenship
Something like that? This one's kind of small, to be honest.
March 6, 2021
Rebecca Lambert
As long as you could keep it from jumping on me I'd look at it standing in front of you. I just want to be able to jet if if it moves!!?
March 7, 2021
Rebecca Lambert
My mom got bit by a brown recluse in her bellybutton while she was sleeping. It woke her up, the spider had crawled in the covers. The hospital didn't do much for her, we had to order a venom kit from this place in Kentucky to save her stomach from rotting. Very scary!!
March 7, 2021
Michael Blankenship
Michael Blankenship replied - 3 replies