Rebecca Schmoe
on February 25, 2021
Q: Why does the average person need an assault rifle?
A: I am happy to answer that for you. This is a three part answer as to address the totality of your question.
First, we should address the word "need." Under the Bill of Rights, it's not a matter of need. It is a matter of want. We have the inalienable right to own and posses any firearm we want (until such a time as we forfeit this right by committing/being found and convicted guilty of a felony.) The second amendment was written not to grant this right, but to acknowledge that the right exists simply because we exist. As it is not granted by the government, it can then not be infringed upon by the government.
Secondly, the term Assault Rifle is a buzz word phrase used by the media to describe any platform gun which is black, plastic, and is usually chambered in .223/5.56mm and .308/7.62mm, but not limited to those cartridges. The Armalite company was the original manufacturer of this style of platform, therefore the term AR was coined. There is no difference, as far as caliber and speed of fire (semi automatic means one trigger pull equals one projectile) between these firearms and the wooden stock ones people have owned and operated for hundreds of years.
Thirdly, the reasons people want to own a platform gun, such as the AR style, varies from person to person. Some people prefer this style due to the ability to build and change out parts. Just as some people enjoy building cars, models, or woodworking, other people enjoy the challenge and accomplishment of building their own firearms. Often times, people like this style of gun because it is , for lack of a better term, fashionable. It is trendy right now. Basically, it looks cool. Same reason people buy red sports cars and designer handbags. They just like the way it looks. Most importantly, people like that the AR style guns are lighter and can be easier to use than their wooden bodied counterparts. They are perfect for those who struggle with grip strength, such as those with arthritis, or any other disability which would hinder/prevent shouldering the rifle and manipulating the safety and trigger. If you have grip strength limitations, and you are given the option between having to rack the slide of a semi automatic handgun or the ease of use of gas piston and direct impingement technology, most would prefer the later. It gives those with such disabilities a better ability of effective and efficient use. The old saying goes that God made men, but Sam Colt made them equal. Well, Armalite ensured that equality for those who struggle with grip strength and weight bearing limitations.
To sum up and answer your question, the average person wants a AR platform style gun for as many different reasons as their are owners. Thankfully, we live under a form of government which acknowledges our right to own and operate whichever self defense tool we feel most efficiently and effectively affords us the ability to protect ourselves. As a byproduct of that right, we also get the enjoyment of using this ingenious technology within the realm of sport shooting and hunting.
I hope this answers your question.
#billofrightsnotbillofneeds #ar #ar15 #rifle #gun #secondamendment #2a #prepared2protect #educatenotlegislate
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Brad Petersen
Thanks for the explanation of why the pistol grip on the ugly AR. Still like the nice looking wood semiautomatic better. But to each their own.
February 25, 2021