Political Cartoons
on February 15, 2021
This is how fakebook controls what you see to manipulate your minds weakened by years of public indoctrination. Other than generalities, fakebook provides no information on what specifically goes against the community standards that are in real measure ONLY applied to people opposed to their big government, big business, elitist centric view of population control. That they did not take action for almost a year after the cartoon was posted, on a post that only a handful of people paid any attention to, and then gave the Poltoons page two strikes for the same post for the same reason at the same time shows that they are not protecting truth, but serving evil in the purest sense.
Of course fakebook does not agree with this. They will probably ban the page and close the account to show that they are not tyrants acting in their own interests.
Dimension: 1024 x 840
File Size: 631.76 Kb
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