Valentines Day & Social Engineering:It has become a pain in my *** to have to be pointing out all the various ways and reasons Americans have been socially engineered to be so accepting of the completely rediculous things going on in America right now, in AND outside of our government.I am in no way picking on Valentines day specifically... I certainly dont want to hamperanyones efforts to see their loved one pleased today, or deny anyones pleasure and satisfaction in seeing bonafide, tangible proof that they are loved.I just want to take a minute and reflect on what got us ALL here as a NATION, basically trying in different ways to achieve the same goal: make someone happy and to feel loved.Valentines Day is just like buying that big diamond ring on your finger to be married. Its a marketing tool to sell something.The shocker is, we all got here as a society through a certain kind of social engineering through advertising. And the chief instruments have been television (its been around the longest in our advancement of communications technology), and now that our cell phones and laptops are getting more personal attentions from us, they too have been invaded by the very clever, subtle techniques of the American Social Engineer.There are thousands of motives to engineer us in certain fashions. That is the sum of advertising. Rarely do you see a company simply giving you the details on their product. Anymore it is also accompanied by an underlying message that seeks to make you WANT their product via other emotions such as fear, love, care, ect... They will shame you into buying what they have if they have to and when that happens? Mission accomplished. You and everyone around you have now traded what YOU thought was normal for what THEY say is the new normal. You were specifically engineered to reach a pre-determined outcome... successfully. It you thought you wete making the decisions? The only real choice you make is whether or not to be outsmarted by these people, hanging your own worth or that if another out for everyone to see. The one sure thing? Youll sell yourself and those even closest to you.... far short of where you would with your head on solid ground.That couldnt happen to you?Have you ever watched a commercial at Christmas or Valentines Day depicting a very well dressed, loving couple going through the jewelry store? Do you see them choose that HUGE diamond and the woman being soooo exasperated and pleased, while the guy smiles and stares confidently? And then comes a slogan like, Show her you love her for a lifetime? Of course you have.So. How many of you guys felt like when you went to look for a diamond for your girl, that you should at least look at the most expensive one they have? You dont really have any preference as to what it looks like. Whats most important is the pricetag. Right? You want to get something she can love and something she can show to her friends for the next 100 years as the testament to your undying love. Right?Now maybe you could afford that ring. Maybe not, maybe you went into big debt?And how many of you girls have been overjoyed to see the HUGE rock when he opened up that box on his knee? Your mouth flies open and you show that thing around for 40 years.Or maybe he couldnt afford that huge ring and got aomething he could afford. Maybe he was ashamed because he couldnt live up to the STANDARD SET BY THE TV... And maybe his bride to be was happy to get a ring, and did a great job acting happy, she acceptedgraciously with joy... but she wont be showing it off much... though it will always be special to her, because its not quite brag-worthy?Now. How many of you bought that hook, line and sinker? Theyve successfuly engineered you to make a certain decision. They have just manipulated your mind and emotions. Oh you dont have to raise your hand and openly admit it and I certainly wouldnt know (unless the huge rock on her finger gives it away). But a whole nation of people for generations now have bought into it. That I know because they keep spending big money to push the narrative in advertising when the circumstances are ripe for success (holidays). I have bought into it and at some point, probably most of you too.On Valentines day you MUST prove your love. You do that by buying what you are led to believe is needed... the same way you must PROVE your intentions with a precious stone at knee time.Valentines day in reality is alot like Christmas... it should be a part of EVERY DAY life?... not one day a year. If the schedule is so busy that its all we can do to carve out a day for those that have devoted their life to us? Well? Were just too damned busy... (been guilty much of my life for this). And its when we are too busy that the social engineers move in with their tactics knowing that we are vulnerable... and they can and do exploit us in our confusion.And this is how social engineers do it folks... Instead of bullets, guns, rockets and missiles, today the thing that Americans need to fear the most? Its the jntelligence of our enEmies, foreign AND DOMESTIC.Valentines day is just one marketing event promoting social engineering in America made possible by?Good ol American TV. ?#TrustTheExperts#SocialEngineering101
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