Jenny Vault
on February 8, 2021
"The Columbus Strain
I admit, I was completely unaware of this new 'Columbus strain' going around. So I've looked into it a bit, and used something that used to be known as 'critical thinking' to assess the risk it seems to pose.
For those of you who were also blissfully unaware of this new thing to get all irrationally scared of, here is an article from CNBC talking about it:
Now let's examine some of the comments in the CNBC article and actually LOOK at the data instead of pontificate on the possible worst case scenarios.
Please see the attached image for the juxtaposition of the never-ending fear from our 'chief medical advisor' and the reality that the data is telling us.
If the new 'Columbus strain' has been dominant for a while, looking at the numbers straight from ODH's own data, it seems to be an exceptionally mild strain.
Despite Dr. Vanderhoff's fears, 'cases' may have tripled, but hospitalizations and deaths have not followed at all.
His assumptions are clearly wrong, and the policies he supports are quite literally killing Ohioans with fear, anxiety, loneliness, despair, killing businesses, killing education and the mental health of our children.
We are far past the time to move past fear into actually following the science.
Open Ohio. Lift the mandates. Lift the restrictions. You were wrong, and that's ok. What is not ok is refusing to admit it and continuing to destroy lives with no end and no purpose."
- Kathryn Huwig, Understanding Ohio C?VID-19 Data
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