Robert W Punchard
on February 7, 2021
In our traditions we have what are called "fylgja". The word translates to "followers". What exactly these are is some what open to debate. As either spirits/ entities that are attached to and follow us throughout our lives or parts of our own psyche that manifests to us in the shape of spirits. All of them act as guide's and advisors.
Each of us has many fylgja. Most notably is our "kinfylgja". Family follower. This the entity that represents our connection to our family and ancestors. When and if our kinfylgja dose come to visit, it is often in the form on a passed female relative that is known to us.
Ancestor and hero worship is a big part of our traditions. The concept of reincarnation down the family line is also a strong part of our traditions. (Though these days the line of objective of this concept has been broken by outside influence.)
As we know we inherit the genetic structure of our parents, and their parents, and so on. We are the physcal and genetic makeup of those that came before us and the choices they have made that brought us here.
We obviously have a strong spiritual and genetic connection to our ancestors. Some people go to the extent of arguing that we have genetic memory, pasted down through DNA. I personally think that our traditions make a strong case for such an idea.
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