Frank Hagen
on February 3, 2021
It is heartbreaking to watch as men have given up their authority over the years and gradually embraced a "feminine" and more "sensitive" type of man both in society and in Christianity by accepting female preachers, deacons, and soft spoken girly men preaching. The roles of the sexes have gradually been reversed as women took over the workforce in many positions where they can hire women only, and the slightest mention of anything manly or masculine is demonized as "male chauvinistic" or "hateful" or "mean", while anything mocking men is applauded. The roles have gradually turned as feminists started back around 1920 or so. It has escalated to the point our men are as women and our women are as men to mock Christ as the Husband of his bride, the church and saints, just as scripture says Satan will do in the last days. It is coming to pass before our eyes and few seem to care enough to repent and return unto the old ways. The return of the Lord is very soon and I hope we all prepare to meet him as he is not returning as "buddy jesus" or "our copilot" or as our "boss who is a Jewish carpenter" or any of the other foolish things taught the last 50 -60 years. He is returning as a Great King, a Man Of War, and the Son Of God, to take his bride. Not a whore. Not fake "soldiers for Christ". Not female preachers or women who are not in subjection unto their husband. Not for weak men who refuse to rule their house. Not for male or female crossdressers. Not for any of the ones who have justified sin and abomination these last 50-60 years. I pray we are all ready to meet him. May God bless.
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Frank Hagen
I would rather be a Neanderthal male I was created and preach the truth and be hated than be what society has made so many men and preachers. I would also rather be laughed at than cater to what people want and dress like most other guys today in unisex garbage. We were created male and female to gl... View More
February 3, 2021 Edited
Frank Hagen
The women who are behind this have major movements all across America in all major cities to include Washington DC. They have ties to politicians, Hollywood and the education system to work their agenda. They promote the removal of all male from an all female only society and bring about a female on... View More
February 4, 2021
Frank Hagen
The evil runs deep in this movement. And sadly we can see it openly displayed. Even worse is how so many have refused to turn from this and return to traditional roles and attire which were demonized by feminists and justified by the church and society. Pride will destroy this nation.
February 4, 2021