Jim Groepler custom working.
Hope y'all had a wonderful and safe Freedom Day weekend ! Been really busy dealing with parts cleaning/inspection/painting. Backordered items, bad parts, wrong parts, and trying to keep up with the p... View More
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Jim Groepler custom working.
People keep asking about what the perfect car/truck is. My answer's always simple. The most maintained. Year doesn't matter, maintenance records do. Give me a 1968 Hupmobile with all maintenance recor... View More
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Jim Groepler custom working.
The 1971 LTD convertible project : After a lot of work, hopefully, is finally finished. With the exception of flushing the milky oil, and changing the oil, along with resetting the timing, and refilli... View More
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Magilla Guerrilla
Where are you located?
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Jim Groepler
Lilesville NC.
April 20, 2022
Magilla Guerrilla
Magilla Guerrilla replied - 3 replies
Geno Gregory
Jim, Thanks for the invite to check out your page. This guy living in Southern California, about 5 miles south of Disneyland, wishes you, your business, and all of yours well. I might say however, i... View More
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Jim Groepler
Anything I can do. PM me. I can give you my phone number.
April 21, 2022
Jim Groepler
Jim Groepler replied - 2 replies
Jim Groepler custom working.
The LTD is going back together nicely. While installing the passenger side head gasket, I found the last place had installed the old one backwards ! Sealed off the main cooling passageway largely le... View More
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