Opal yvonne
Opal yvonne
In 2002 a corona virus made people sick in Toronto and Vancouver! It was Sars1! It was horrendous! People got sick within 3 days of contact and 1 in 10 died from it ! Most deaths were in care homes... View More
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Jimmy Robinson
I believe this virus was intentional and was timed to lock us down for the election. This way the mail in vote could take place.
November 25, 2020
Opal yvonne
Masks and shields do not stop viruses! People who are not sick to not spread illness! People who are sick and wear masks and do not isolate are spreading covid! People without symptoms are not contagi... View More
Opal yvonne
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Who is the commandant?
November 25, 2020
Opal yvonne
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Christeen thorpe
Half the people responded to this post with "thanks for sharing" in a local page.
November 25, 2020
Christeen thorpe
This was my response.
November 25, 2020
Opal yvonne
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