The Patriot Brotherhood News Gazette Briefs-15 The People's Revolution
The Patriot BrotherhoodNews Gazette Briefs-15 The People's Revolution “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with c
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I would imagine that at least 90% of people in the U.S. that are on social media "protest" platforms such as Parler, GAB, WIMKIN and MeWe consider themselves to be "patriots" of our republic and embra... View More
The Bill of Rights : The John Birch Society
Introduction Today, America is witnessing an attack on not only the Bill of Rights, but also the 10 Commandments. A first step in preserving America’s heritage is understanding the fundamental princ
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Really? He said that? Then why didn't he do it at the time he made that statement? The powers then are still the powers today. The globalists from the CFR. Kennedy, like Trump, allowed the Council on Foreign Relations to hold too much power in their administrations.
If you want to rid your admi... View More
There is no reliable source for this alleged quote of JFK. If you have one, please provide it. If you don't or can"t, I'd suggest you delete it as you are damaging both your reputation and our 'cause' which rests squarely on our ability to be trust in what we say about anything at any time. Thank... View More
This actual quote of JFK, taken directly from his "Secret Societies" speech is true and accurate and is both more believable and more timely for us today! Or so it would seem.
"And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expan... View More
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