"Illinois Separation is a movement trying to split Illinois for the purpose of better representation and the restoration of the U.S. Constitution."
In January 2020, Facebook deleted the flagship page "Illinois Separation" with over 30K. Collin is starting over with a new main page, The Illinois Secession. (UPDATE: that page was taken down, too!)
The individual county groups were left alone, except for losing their cover photos.
_______ County Illinois Separation.
Due to censoring, Collin had already been branching out to other platforms:
Parler @illinoisseparation and its founder @collincliburn.
?There is also a MeWe account for Illinois Separation.
?Am starting this page on to ensure Illinois Separation has a presence on this platform.
?I have "Illinois Separation Referendum" Facebook page
? Illinois Separation Ballot Effort group for people who want to WORK at making this happen. It has "UNITS" which make it much easier to understand the process. It provides information about what the Referendum is, where to get petition forms, and how to get it on the ballot in your county.
Please send an email to stating your county in IL and asking for petition and instructions.
The Facebook county groups will remain the hub for each county. Each county needs to have 1 person to whom all petitions will go to ultimately and likely that person will be named on the county Facebook page.
Deadline for petitions will be sometime in late July/August 2022