Stealing Elections 101 - DNC and DominionSE
Stealing Elections 101 - DNC and Dominion
Democrats spent four years sewing hatred, lies, and their Russia collusion BS to smear a innocent man, President Trump. Every word of the Trump dossier that Schiff, Swalwell, Comey, Brennen, Clapper,... View More
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Biden alleges white supremacist groups caused violence in Washington DC but video evidence proves conservatives were attacks by racist AntiFA anti- white hate groups. In fact Black Trump Supporters w... View More
Sidney Powell provided evidence of Voter manipulation in Venezuela to elect Chavez. The software can be monitored by select IT personnel and shift or delete votes for candidates while being undetecte... View More
Sydney Powell, Trump's Legal Team has affidavits and evidence that Dominion software was updated the day prior and the day after the election. Videos of Dominion Engineers stating that any update of D... View More
I watched her interview last night. She is really confidence. Give me a lot more hope!
DNC, China, and Leftist Media can lie, cheat, and try to steal elections but we will defeat them with the truth. Sidney Powell states she has evidence , testimony, and affidavits of criminal vote manipulation by Dominion and other election software programs that have allegedly been manipulating el... View More
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