
Laurie shields
Those officers in Uvalde tx should all be charged with involuntary man slaughter. Under the law with their job they had an obligation to act. They were derelict in their duty to serve and protect. The... View More
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Join us on Telegram...Thank you Tucker for being Anricas voice! Legion Of Unity Christian Warriors Patriot Coalition. We also do Professional Incident Command & Weather Reporting Ops.
Christian Consti... View More
Legion Of Unity Christian Warriors Patriot Coalition. We also do Professional Incident Command & Weather Reporting Ops.
Christian Constitutional Conservative Patriot Coalition. 'We The People' Stand. America is 'One Nation Under God' Truth, Justice & Liberty. We Stand 'One United Under Gods
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Edward Solomon reverse-engineered the Dominion Voting Algorithm
Edward Solomon reverse-engineered the Dominion Voting Algorithm - Brilliant 50 min Laymen explainer, STOP CHINA JOE!
China Issues Instructions for 'Incoming Biden Administration'
Obey Beijing, do not challenge China's economic superiority and open your domestic markets, the Chinese Communist Party told Joe Biden.
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