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Thomas Springer
u better believe potus Trump is loved like no other potus ever an his family
Kendrick Felder
Over 100 million to be exact being that out military can't vote. The media only has the most attention from the radical far left minded I dividuals that make up The Blue Winged Trolls.
Check out the L.O.U.C.W. OFFICIAL MAIN CHANNEL channel on Zello
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we the people r coming for u trash an u know who u r but more important we know who u r scum its gitmo for all u bastards with potus Trump we will win
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people on face book an twitter will wake up to wimkin very soon an they will be in r past thank God the dirty commie sobs enemies to r country
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Barrs Investigation Of ANTIFA Leads Directly To Barack Obama
ANTIFA is the creation of Barack Obama and George Soros.
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