Some areas in this country have lost their mind. Flavor bans!?!?!! As a adult I'm not allowed to vape cotton candy? Does everything that adults do have to be drab and flavorless to save the children? ... View More
Tempe looks to ban flavored vape products
A new ordinance, if approved, would ban businesses from selling flavored vape products in Tempe city limits.
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Always crap from these people. Many many many people have gotten off tobacco using vape. Why do we let the government tell us what we can do? I guess we would all live forever if we jogged 5 miles a d... View More
The FDA stands by as the vaping industry flouts its orders
A STAT investigation found that vape companies are regularly flouting the FDA’s orders. And the agency is just letting it happen.
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Does anyone know if I can somehow reach a target audience? Is that a capability that is in the works?
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Hellooooooo freedom!!! We are excited to get our page up and running here on wimkin. We will be posting vaping related news articles along with pictures of most everything that we bring in!! We arent ... View More
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