The Drums Beat Louder
Four days ago I wrote a piece I called "The Mutiny Is On". Thanks to the powers that be in these parts it was largely left out of the news feed. But then, there was this from a ... View MoreThe Drums Beat Louder
Four days ago I wrote a piece I called "The Mutiny Is On". Thanks to the powers that be in these parts it was largely left out of the news feed. But then, there was this from a generally conservative news outlet the DC Enquirer, quoting the from the ever loony left network of CNBC who's opening salvo reads:
"President Joe Biden very likely did not anticipate polling results like what emerged from a CNBC All-America Economic Survey released Monday. A majority of the American people, and even a majority of Democrats DO NOT want him to run for President again.
Fifty-seven percent of Democrats say he shouldn’t stand for office in 2024 which is surprising but not necessarily fatal. However, the potential epitaph for Biden’s reelection is from the 66% of independents who do not want him to run either."
None of this news should come as any surprise to anyone but Joe Biden himself, living in his own little imaginary world and all.
Strategically speaking, it's a good strategy for the Dems. The NoMoJoe movement is best done very early on. But remember, it had to come after the recent midterms or it would have dragged down any candidate with a "D" preceding their name on a ballot.
It also has to come very early in this window of opportunity that is less than two years from now since the midterm's ballots have been cast. There's two reasons for that. First they need to select a candidate. When I say "they" I'm referring to the people who actually run the party, the big bucks donors. The second being that they need to get the mutiny behind early enough to make it a faded memory as we grow closer to 2024. Why? Because the one commonality here is that, underneath all the hoopla and theatrics, it's the same ventriloquists (absent Sam Bankman-Fried who's kind of tied up for many moments to come) that selected Joe who will be picking their next talking dummy with all strings attached.
So there you have it. The realm of big league politics and how the game (and voters) gets played.
As for me, I'll stick with a candidate who beets his own drum for himself.