Spitfire - A Shot Across the Bow
I do need to share more here. It’s a very chaotic time at home.
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Spitfire - A Shot Across the Bow
New Preamble to the Constitution Attributed to Lewis Napper, a Jackson, Mississippi computer programmer. He didn't expect his essay -- a tart 10-point list of "rights" Americans don't have -- to b... View More
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Spitfire - A Shot Across the Bow
From the Hindustan Times in New Delhi, India A state in India with 241 million people is announcing itself free of covid. Utter Pradesh announced a total of 199 active cases in a state that has 2/3 t... View More
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Spitfire - A Shot Across the Bow
Ainsworth: The Latest Government Fear Campaign By Laura Ainsworth, Staff Writer Correction: The original version of this newsletter mistakenly attributed this commentary to Governor Huckabee. ... View More
Spitfire - A Shot Across the Bow
Make of this what you will. Do your own due diligence. If this is true, it’s very troubling. People I love have been 💉 I have not and will not. I also cannot and will not avoid those who have been. My... View More
Kristin Groves
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