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Meg Stocks

Female. Lives in Georgia, United States. Is married.
APIII% - Georgia - Recruiting
14 members Community
What is the III%? During the American Revolution, the active forces in the field against the King’s tyranny never amounted to more than III% of the colonists. Three percenters today, for the most part, identify with this 3% because they were true patriots fighting for the freedoms the nation we love and honor was founded on. Three percenters intend to maintain their God-given natural rights to liberty and property. What does it mean to be a Three Percenter? A III%er has the American Spirit in the hearts and minds ensuring future generations the opportunity to chase their own personal version of the American Dream and experience the freedoms and liberties our Founding Fathers intended in the Constitution of the United States of America. If APIII is not a militia, what is it? We are citizens of these United States who are simply exercising our rights to share knowledge, to bear arms and peacefully assemble, to train and to network with other Patriotic Americans. We are prepared to work with local authorities to assist them with delivering services needed to stabilize the areas they serve and we live. How do I join APIII% ?  This group is our recruiting page - please post here and we will begin the vetting process. Once you have been approved, we will invite you to join our main group.
Meg Stocks
Akka Yamarashi
Brandy Baker