Brand New Black Extra Large 26 X 26 Bandana $13.00 Each.
At this time we are not accepting Credit Cards.
We accept Cash, Cash App, Certified Check and or a Money Order. NO CHECKS BUSINESS AMD OR PERSONAL. We also accept Western Union through Walmarts
Brand New Black Extra Large 26 X 26 Bandana $8.00 Each.At this time we are not accepting Credit Cards.We accept Cash, Certified Check and or a Money Order. NO CHECKS BUSINESS AMD OR PERSONAL. We als... View MoreBrand New Black Extra Large 26 X 26 Bandana $8.00 Each.At this time we are not accepting Credit Cards.We accept Cash, Certified Check and or a Money Order. NO CHECKS BUSINESS AMD OR PERSONAL. We also accept Western Union through Walmarts as well.10 % of this sale will go into an account to help either an individual and or an organization. This does not include the cost of shipping and handling. Only the sale price of the Merchandise.We will offer shipping and handling but you the customer are to pay that. Contact Thoreus Maethinos let him know that you want it shipped to you. Once Thoreus gets back with you on the total cost including shipping and handling send Cash App, a Certified Check and or Money Order. Once the Cash App, Certified Check and or Money Order is cashed and deposited into his account, you will be notified that your merchandise is on its way to you. To purchase contact Thoreus Abomindoom Maethinos by via Text Message and or Messenger. NO EMAILS I WILL NOT RESPOND TO EMAILS!!!!!Thoreus Abomindoom Maethinos Post Office Box 17937Indianapolis, Indiana 46217-09371 317 652-8830If purchasing Merchandise with Cash Contact Thoreus Abomindoom Maethinos and set up a public meeting place.ALL SALES ARE FINALL. NO RETURNS NO REFUNDS.If purchasing Merchandise with a Certified Check and or Money Order send payments to:Thoreus Maethinos Post Office Box 17937Indianapolis, Indiana 46217-0937Thoreus Abomindoom Maethinos Wimkin.Com