3 members
Welcome to our newest members! You have joined a free speech social media platform. All we censor is criminal activity. In terms of free speech, this means no criminal harassment, stalking, or threats of harm. In certain circumstances, libel and slander is also not permitted if the victim is able to show their accuser is not being truthful. Illegal drug solicitation as well as illegal firearm sales are also considered criminal. Licensed individuals are welcome to advertise their businesses.
PORNOGRAPHY AND NUDITY: Some people hear uncensored and think "free for all." Due to the fact our apps are rated 12+ on Apple and Teen on Google Play, we have an EXTREMELY STRICT no pornography or nudity rule. You agreed upon signing up to not share this anywhere on our platform. If such is shared, you are immediately banned and the files you shared will be logged. If any minors saw the illegal files you've shared (which we are able to track), rest assured, your local authorities will be receiving the files, the victims as well as your IP address so they can show up at your door.
Please, follow these very simple, common sense rules. Thank you and again, welcome!