LWL3+ exists for those who are looking for support and info regarding lipedema and lipolymphedema. Thanks so much for your kind participation!
There are no taboo subject
... MoreLWL3+ exists for those who are looking for support and info regarding lipedema and lipolymphedema. Thanks so much for your kind participation!
There are no taboo subjects here. Our goal is to share our interests and/or successes/failures related to treating/living with lipedema or with life in general. OUR FOCUS IS TO BUILD CAMARADERIE AND FRIENDSHIP AND TO SHARE INFO IN AN EFFORT TO TRY TO BETTER OUR LIVES AND HEALTH. Due to the nature of our shared condition, many of us have other diseases and comorbidities, and what works for one person may not for another, but sharing what does or doesn't work for you is important--we can all benefit in some way.
THERE IS NO BULLYING ALLOWED IN THE GROUP. There will be disagreements from time to time, and we can agree to disagree, but at no time will rude, obnoxious behavior or attacks be permitted. We are all in the same fight, so there is no reason or room for discourteous remarks.
THERE IS NO SELLING ALLOWED IN THE GROUP. Sales of items relating to our disease are posted in the event that others may be interested, items such as compression, supplements, etc. However, member businesses are not to be promoted, and no unwarranted messaging about sales will be tolerated. Please contact a group administrator if you have been contacted or feel pressured to make purchases.
The links and information gathered here is presented for support only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. No warranties of any kind are made for the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or reliability of the content. Please seek professional medical advice for all information on supplements, medications, and treatments.