Dimitri Vassilaros
on November 4, 2022 62 views
Would you want this live stream to become a regular show?
Who do you think is going to win on Election Day?
Why are so many people mocking my selfie with my wife today at Matt’s Tiger Pub in Shadyside?
Dimitri Vassilaros
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God Bless ya Dimitri, I'd Love to hear you, but this is the wrong end of the day for this old farmer. I'll try to find a replay later.
November 4, 2022
whoa. Something happened to your live stream, just as you were getting to your story. love ya brother, good luck. Love to see you at an earlier time.
November 4, 2022
jason zambuto
maybe if you start right after wendy bell then you could get people to jump to you right after ,most of us that are working and listening run out of stuff to listen too right after wendy bell
November 5, 2022