THREE SPECIAL GUESTS!A. J. RiceLegendary CEO of Publius PR, is the author of the soon-to-be runaway bestseller “The Woking Dead, How Society’s Vogue Virus Destroys Our Culture”Jonathan WeismannCybersecurity professional and independent researcher in bio security, operational research and theology Dr. Jessica RoseCanadian researcher, biology and immunology, surfer and cat lover What is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, and what terrible message is it saying about the COVID “vaccines?”(Please share)ΔVDimitri VassilarosNews/Radio Talk Host & Journalist“Spotlight on WiMKiN”9pm ET Weeknights Live Stream Home PageWiMKiN Social Media
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jason zambuto
all caps and big trucks= tiny dicks n nuts

mark szymanski
Good night

jason zambuto