
Chip Drewry
The #Biden administration hated Elon #Musk more than they wanted to rescue those astronauts. It’s not just Biden, it’s every #Democrat. This is who they are, make no mistake about it. They‘re vile, p... View More
Chip Drewry
#Biden Admin Quietly Spent $15 Mil on 'Contraceptives and Condoms' For Taliban-Controlled #Afghanistan— Former admin admitted 'coordination' with #terror group, despite funding restrictions. https://... View More
Chip Drewry
#Deportation officers made nearly 1,000 arrests across the country Sunday, marking the largest number of single-day arrests only six days into the #Trump administration and far surpassing the #Biden a... View More
Hopalong Ginsberg
Chip Drewry
#CNN senior data reporter #HarryEnten found that President Joe #Biden is exiting office with the lowest approval rating of “any president on record” during a Sunday segment. https://dailycaller.com/2... View More
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