You can pick an introvert, we don't have a life, are sad and lonely 😎 Wrong! God well prepared me, years in a boys home for something I did, and years in jail for things I did. If caught, I always too... View MoreYou can pick an introvert, we don't have a life, are sad and lonely 😎 Wrong! God well prepared me, years in a boys home for something I did, and years in jail for things I did. If caught, I always took the rap, and said nothing, as I did it. On my last court hearing I cried out and simply said "God, if you are real show me. Get me off" as I was facing 14 years for not opening my mouth. God heard and answered, got 2 years with one already served on remand. After that, got out of jail and went about life, until next crisis. You should really look at the crisis's in your life, most have a connection, and all are God speaking to you
That is me. But lonely, never. While awake I go through all sorts of news and doco's, at night I listen to Jan Markel (I download all her stuff to save bandwidth)
And this bloke must spend hours everyday looking for the things people miss, and then building content to put on YouTube. Like and Subscribe if you watch it (it helps the algorithm). If you don't watch it, you really should 😉😉😎
The Gospel in tract format
If you think life sucks, always remeber this. Babies suck, yet they never complain
#wrath #tribulation #god #jesus #gospel #wickedness #Bible #EndTime #Prophecy #America
These Disturbing Videos Just Expose Something Massive!!!
#disturbing #videos #scary #strange #strangevideos #weirdvideos
This is a compilation of the most disturbing videos on the internet, not only are these videos strange and weird
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