When your marriage is just not working, life with your spouse is miserable, and you want out. Maybe it's your spouse that wants to end it. Divorce can be scary, and depressing. Sometimes its expensive... View More
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The upcoming holiday season will be even more stressful than normal years. This time of year often leads to #divorce and #childcustody issues. #Chattanooga legal team on your side https://purplelawfir... View More
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Contested Divorce Process in Tennessee
When you start considering ending your marriage. And, Filing for a divorce. You want to learn as much as possible about the process. This video, explains the basics of a the process of a contested divorce, and is brought to you by Purple Law Firm, in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Now, let's take a look at the process of a contested divorce in Tennessee. The exact process of each case will very depending on the specific issues. Here, we will discuss just the basics.
The first step in a Tennessee contested divorce action, should be to consult with and retain an attorney. The attorney will prepare a Complaint for Divorce, for you to review and sign under oath. Once the Divorce Complaint is signed, it is then filed with the Court. A summons is issued, and served on your spouse. Your spouse then has 30 days to file an answer or response.
Even though your divorce case starts out as contested, it may, be able to be settled, by agreement, at any time in the process.
Each contested divorce case, starts the same way. But, after the Complaint is filed, process served, and an answer is filed, the exact process varies, on a case by case basis. The facts of the case, needs of the parties, and the attorneys involved in the divorce case, all have an impact on how it proceeds.
Now, let's take a brief look at the process of a divorce, after an answer is filed. Again, these steps may vary.
File Motions with the Court.
Attend Mediation.
Complete Discovery.
Set for Trial.
Attend Trial.
Wait for decision of the Court.
In all contested divorce cases, the Court will require the parties to attend mediation. At mediation, the parties, and their attorneys, will work with a third-party mediator, usually an attorney, who is specially trained to help parties compromise, and reach settlement agreements. The mediator is a neutral negotiator.
Most mediations are successful, and, significantly reduce the costs of a divorce. You and your spouse, actively participate in developing a resolution to the issue in the case. For more information contact https://purplelawfirm.com
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