"I know that when you have a leader overstep their authority in a time of crisis, that's really when you lose this country. And I didn't want to be guilty of doing that. So I never issued a shelter-i... View More
South Dakota Gov. who didn't impose COVID-19 lockdowns: 'I don't have the authority to do that'
"I know that when you have a leader overstep their authority in a time of crisis, that's really when you lose this country. And I didn't want to be guilty of doing that," Gov. Kris
Dr. Fauci said the world is entering a "pandemic age." What does that mean?
Although the coronavirus pandemic has altered how people live for some time now, the knowledge that it will have an end is a faint light at the end of a long socially distanced tunnel. But, according
Pretty sure that means we have found a way to make this go on forever,and we will be in charge.
Coronaviruses are the ideal sort of virus to fear monger, because many people have traces of such virus fragments inside their bodies. And since the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests are not actu... View More