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Elaine Taaffe
I live in Oregon,and I hear that chickens slow down laying with the cold! Will mine haven't.
Had anyone else heard this?
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Denise Matt
I live in Southern California. It doesn't get cold here, but my chickens slow down egg laying when they're molting in the fall.
It has to do with how much daylight they have. One trick is put a light in the hen house
A couple of my chickens keep escaping and laying eggs outside of their pens. I found these under my guava tree today. Dogs are getting a treat for dinner.
Have you done a float test to see how fresh they are? I find eggs outside their coop sometimes and they are good.
Hello, my name is Cathy and I would like to introduce myself. I have 6 White Leghorns hens that are 5 months old. I have had fun of raising them since they were a week old. They have been laying for ... View More
I gave up on naming mine that are identical also. How do you tell one barred rock from another? Or a buff Orpington from another?
They LOVE kale! When it was in the garden ( which is pulled up for the season) they knew where to find it?and i gladly shared it.
This is what I want...four hens and a rooster! It's just me and my hubby.