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Kitty Tales

 Public Group - Animals - 59 Members
Group Info
Toya Shae Os
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My name is Frostee . I turn 3 years old today . I am a rescue cat . When dad first got me I had almost no fur on my legs , backside , the first half of my tail and most of my stomach . I weighed 8 pou... View More
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My name is Missee . I am a rescue cat . When dad brought me home to live with him I had been abused and abandoned and was terrified of men . Today I turned 6 years old . I sleep with dad every night b... View More
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Saddest cartoon I've ever seen .
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Hi . My name is Frostee . I am a rescue cat and I will be two years old in June . I'm part tabby and my coat is medium except my back legs and around the base of my tail where it's really short . Gues... View More
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Hello my name is Missee . I am a rescue cat who was abandoned and abused . I turned 5 in March . A nice lady found me and took me to a rescue center where they fixed me up . Then she fostered me until... View More
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My name is Fuzzee Butt . I turned 4 in February . I was rescued by my dad when I was 3 weeks old . A pack of dogs killed my momma and litter mates but dad managed to save me . I live with him and two ... View More
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You ars beutifule and you have a good dad .
April 6, 2021
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