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Welcome Wimkin Fam! This group is not affiliated with the owner Jase or his team. They are already busy building the greatest 'Freedom of Speech' platform! This group is ... More
This is me NOT angry and NOT complaining at all, but my goal is to respect Jase and his team's time. Being an IT guy, I have had several technical questions about the Wimkin platform and have reached ... View More
Hi! I'm having issues when I want to share from someone elses page to mine. Once it posts to mine it doesn't load with the share option. So anyone on my page can't share it . I've tried charging my s... View More
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Make sure that what you are trying to share is set to 'Public'
October 23, 2023
LMU replied - 1 reply
I have a technical question. I pay $15/month but can only live stream for 20 minutes from my phone. I'm paying for 60 minutes of stream time, yet I am I not getting it. Any suggestions?
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That's a real issue. I would definitely reach out to Jase. I would uninstall the app and reinstall too.
October 24, 2023
Wimkin Fam! This unofficial tech support group for Wimkin. I see so many people asking questins about Wimkin features and how to use them. Let bring those questions here! This group is not affiliated... View More
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