Group Info
Bill Stohl
Welcome. This group is for those who grown their own tobacco for their own consumption. Whether you are a current grower, new to the art of backyard tobacco growing or ju... More
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Robin Schweitzer
I just received my seeds. Will start indide. Which method is best? Raised beds or directly in ground?
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Bill Stohl
Just depends on which way YOU prefer. I personally go with 5 gallon black pots. I found that I have a lot of earwigs hiding in the soil that love my tobacco plants. So I use the black pots sitting on 3' high tables.It works for me. So it will depend on which way you prefer. How high are the the rais... View More
February 19, 2021
Bill Stohl
Bill Stohl replied - 4 replies
Chongold Xrump
Can you guys really smell frost on Tobacco leaves?
February 22, 2021
Bill Stohl
Bill Stohl replied - 1 reply