Interesting research on creatine.
New research shows that megadosing creatine can have CELLTECH-LIKE GAINS!!
New research indicates that high-dose Creatine supplementation may produce androgenic ef... View MoreInteresting research on creatine.
New research shows that megadosing creatine can have CELLTECH-LIKE GAINS!!
New research indicates that high-dose Creatine supplementation may produce androgenic effects of up to 80% of AAS.
In a landmark new study performed by researchers in Tokyo, Japan, high intrasarcoplasmic concentrations of endogenous creatine were found to raise muscle protein synthesis to levels similar to that caused by exogenous testosterone use.
The team of researchers carried out an in vivo analysis of Kinesin-1 mediated transmembrane vesicular transport using a cross-hybridised multilevel assay technique. After injecting rat muscle tissue with Creatine Dihydrosalicylate (CrDhS) in situ, a surprise finding was discovered. Within seconds, researchers witnessed skeletal muscular hypertrophy take place on a microscopic level, triggered by a chain of rapidly progressive genetic transcription factor hyperbroscientoses. On immediate x-ray particle analysis, there was found to be an INCREASE in activity in the hypertrophic zone of the myocyte actin light chains. Over a period of 1 week, the muscle hypertrophic rate was 3.55% (p<0.0001), a rate similar to that caused by AAS use.
What are the implications for this research on the bodybuilding supplementation industry? Lead scientist Takanori Kawano said the results were promising.
"We already knew that creatine supplementation caused increased protein synthesis in muscle tissue, but this finding is new and exciting. We could see a switch within the bodybuilding community from AAS use to CrDhS as it is a natural and probably safer alternative. It is however important to note that these findings only apply to CrDhS and not other inferior forms such as monohydrate."
Kawano continued saying that the 80% gains were still possible on monohydrate, but only at doses of >40g per day. "This ensures similar levels of Kinesin-1 activation afforded by CrDhS. Clearly though, CrDhS is the way forward".
Last Tuesday, Gaspari Inc. coincidentally announced that Creatine Dihydrosalicylate will be launched on the market next month. "This study has nothing to do with us, but we're glad that it backs up the legitimacy of our product", a spokesman said.
The authors of the study declared no competing interests: A Small Peptide Sequence is Sufficient for Initiating Kinesin-1 Activation Through Part of TPR Region of KLC1.