HOWL is a group to connect wolf dog owners, breeders, seekers, sanctuaries, rescuers, and educators all in one place, to coordinate and collaborate, discuss and share.An... MoreHOWL is a group to connect wolf dog owners, breeders, seekers, sanctuaries, rescuers, and educators all in one place, to coordinate and collaborate, discuss and share.Anything that will improve the quality of life for companions both in our homes and their ancestors in the wild.Share what ya got!
Today is pretty cold and wet where I am. So i thought I would take a moment to touch base with you guys to see what you would like to see more of here.
I was wondering if any of you are already wol... View MoreToday is pretty cold and wet where I am. So i thought I would take a moment to touch base with you guys to see what you would like to see more of here.
I was wondering if any of you are already wolf dog owners, or are seeking to adopt, rescue, or looking for information about the breed itself.
I plan on putting together some educational articles this coming week. Quantities depend solely on my personal freetime.
I will start with basics and move onto more advanced issues.
I want to make sure I am covering topics of interest with this group.
Please feel free to bring up anything you would like to discuss.
I have 35 years invested in research, rescue, and rehabilitation with wolves and primarily wolf dogs.
While I don't claim to know everything, I will always continue learning.
Have a lovely weekend