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Group Info
This page was created to be the typical community bulletin board.
Feel free to post things such as yard sales, farm animals & products, homes or land for sale, personally... MoreThis page was created to be the typical community bulletin board.
Feel free to post things such as yard sales, farm animals & products, homes or land for sale, personally owned vehicles, homemade items or other things, home based businesses (such as crafts, small engine repair, house cleaning, lawn mowing etc).
Items wanted, lost or stolen or any neighborhood watch concerns such as suspicious activity, persons or vehicles, or any other concerns regarding the two communities and the surrounding areas.
I despise rules, but sometimes they are needed. So, here it goes:
***NO SELLING OF Kittens or Puppies*** Due to 'puppy mills' and an overflowing population of these two species in our local animal shelters. ("Free to Good Home" is fine... Just remember, free means free.)
****No bashing of public service or military personnel**** (Elected officials fair game.)
****Be courteous to other members****
If your feelings get hurt and you want to discuss it, go ahead. But if you want to duke it out then I suggest private messages, a phone call or just go out back behind the woodshed or to the flagpole or wherever, but it ain't happening here!
****No racial slurs allowed****
But at the same time, do not expect this group to be politically correct. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it will be called a duck. See Less
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