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Black Kitty
6 members Community
This group was created for all of us like-minded ladies. This is a private group and we want everyone to feel that they can post and comment freely. Let's keep the dialogue, learning, and humor going. We would love for this group to help strengthen our beliefs, learn how to defend arguments with fact when being attacked, and help empower each other to spread the truth. Let's establish a couple ground rules... ?? We are ladies only. So, if you add a guy, it will be declined. ?? Keep it civil. We are in this group because we value our freedom of speech, as well as others. ?? Keep an open mind to learn and discuss. ?? Golden rule applies. Please no personal attacks. Agreeing to disagree is always the best policy... ?? When adding a new article or meme, please search that it hasnt already been posted. (If we see duplicates, the newer one will be deleted) ?? We all love a funny meme, but 10 in a row may be excessive. ? If you have a ton, put them in one post. ? If you like a post and want to share it outside of the group, please click into the original source and share from there, not from the person who posted in the group. If you know any other "black kitties" please add them. ? And please give them an intro - it's nice to know a bit about who's joining. We had to name it... Black - opposite of snowflakes Kitty - yeah, we don't wear pussy hats ?
Amy Rhude
Christina Scott
Erika Davis