Welcome to the port city of Freehaven. As the name implies we are a haven for Free men. Our city is governed by People who hold that personal responsibility is the Key to a free society and so be responsible for your actions, and since an armed society is a polite society being armed is advised. Politics and religious discussion should be refined and selective in who is engaged and therefore should be done in their own halls and your own homes. In other words those discussions should not occur on the streets of our port city. If you see someone breaking this one rule contact our ports official administrators Lord Randall Leftwich or Lord Randy Jessup.....Don't ask why you never see them both in the same place at the same time.
We are a part of the The Empire of Medieval Pursuits which is a non-profit organization dedicated to the re-creation and enjoyment of the realities, myths, and legends of the Ancient to Medieval world. Their purpose is to provide a forum through which individuals can come together in order to share a mutual interest in the celebration of the arts, customs, and ideologies of diverse and ancient cultures.