5 members
TEA DONE THE RON PAUL WAY! Join the first ever nation wide network of TEA groups for Ron Paul supporters. This group and its affiliate’s nation wide formed because we believe that the 2012 Presidential Campaign of Dr. Ron Paul has illuminated a clear line of disagreement within the Tea Party movement.
We all have a lot in common smaller government, less taxes, and following the Constitution and that is great and productive. Unfortunately in many places Ron Paul supporters are not only unwelcome they are harassed, ridiculed and even told they are not conservatives because they support the good Doctor. The aim of LiberTEA is to provide a permanent home for those people to network and engage the political system with out all of the unpleasantness. We have no desire to replace or fight with existing TEA groups, in fact we hope that this effort will help Ron Paul supporters to work with TEA Partiers and conservatives from all over America on the many issues we whole heartedly agree on.
All the members of LiberTEA believe in the core TEA party principles of Limited Government, Fiscally Responsibility and Free Market Trade. We simply refuse to reject a candidate because the media and the establishment have decided against them.
If you are a leader of a local Tea Party and would like to join our effort please contact one of the Admins for this Face book Page
The original Group blog: americanlibertea.blogspot.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WisconsinLiberTEA
Official National Pages
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmericanLiberTEA
Wimkin: https://wimkin.com/americanlibertea