115 members
Our attempt is not to overthrowour government but rather to work with our government as long as they work to better the people of this country and the country itself. When a certain person(s) within this government fails the people, the cities, or towns it is then that The Federation Of Patriots will start planning to create changes. It is our focus to protect our country and its people.
The Federation Of Patriots Isthe action of forming groups or organizations all across our great Nation into a single group or contact point of control. We do not wish to control any formed group but rather offer a site in which all may come to get information on the happenings of our country. We will become an entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing chapters, provinces, states, or other regions under a central unit...this site.
We feel that if a person is willing to put in sweat hours where needed and be willing, able, and ready to help protect this great country even with their very life then he oe she knows the true meaning of being a Patriot and we would be honored to have them among us. Each of you is welcomedto keep and run your online or private groups should you have one as you see fit. The Federation Of Patriots is my group and is governed by my rules. As I said before we are but a center for information, and contact. It will be here that any other group may come seeking the help of other Patriots should a need come forth.
Rules are as follows:
1. you must if possible agree to respond if called upon to help protect our country and its people.
2. We will offer a patch and ask that it be worn should we have a function where we all gather as one.
3. We request that every member join the USCCA. A small cost each month gives a person a huge piece of mind should we have to use our weapons against those wishing to do us, our families, and our country's harm.
4. Once a year we plan to come together as a unified body to share each other's company. At that time we would like to see each and everyone if possible. At that time should a group have a.banner or flag representing their group and its members. you are welcomed to display it in front of your group areas.