34 members
Save Our Children
Children are the single most important asset for a bright and prosperous future. We must protect and serve all children. To many children all over the world are not being heard and are being shut out of conversations. It is time they are heard! We will be their voice and help them become stronger.
What we do now
we will serve as an information resource center for the public through social medias. Our job is to help families and victims by sending them through the proper channels such as lawyers in their area that specialize in abuse, sexualization of minors or trafficking cases. As well as the right organizations to preform rescue missions such as task forces and branches of law enforcement. We will be making connections with rehabs around the globe so we can connect victims to rehabilitation and support centers near them with therapy and will help them overcome obstacles such as PTSD, or forced drug addictions for sex trafficked victims.
Soon we will be up and fully running. We will start taking donations, having fund raisers and or protests to raise funds for needy familys and helpless chldren.