17 members
Like many, I'm lookin for an alternative to the oppression of "Tha Book". Not sure if Wimkin's the answer, but we'll see howit goes...
IF you're readin this, then I s'pose you're ponderin joinin my grp. As for me, I seek the wild places. Waterfalls, cyns, and wet places (A precious commodity, in SoCal!) are of particular interest to me. I scan the SAT imagery, for hours on-end, lookin for "targets", plannin missions, and then EXECUTIN my plan. I figure-out what works, what doesn't, n keep goin back, as many times azit take to claim my "prize".
All are welcome, from "Looky-loos", casual hikers, those who usta doit, but not longer can, those who never could, but dreamt ofit, and those, like me, who hava insatiable wanderlust, and are doomed to spend their lives, in'a futile attempt to quench the "fire"...
Be a REAL person, who's not'a DI*K, and we'll all getalong fine.;)