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Ebbie Houston

Female. Lives in I'm in New England, USA., United States. Is widowed.
Meme Picture Pres Trump is asking every registered voter to send a physical letter asap to White House demanding audit of all 50 states.
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Meme Picture Pres Trump is asking every registered voter to send a physical letter asap to White House demanding audit of all 50 states.
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Meme Picture Pres Trump is asking every registered voter to send a physical letter asap to White House demanding audit of all 50 states.
Meme Picture Pres Trump is asking every registered voter to send a physical letter asap to White House demanding audit of all 50 states.
Meme Picture RE Black Sharpie.President wants all who were given blk sharpie to call his line.
Meme Picture Are you in Arizona The DOJ is asking people who were given sharpies to call a phone number.
Meme Picture of screenshot text between dem lady and repub lady asking what r her plans for voting dem.  To rent a bus to take people to vote Trump. Would offer u a ride but booked solid till 8pm election night.
4 Likes58 Views
Meme Picture Hunter Biden has flipped and singing like bird to FBI.  Oct 30 2020 Am working to verify this.
1 Like34 Views
Meme American people begging for help.  Nancy says ...and give Trump a win...no. never on your life while eating ice cream bar
3 Likes35 Views
Meme Joe Biden ran for pres 33, 13 years ago.  First he was caught cheating so had to drop out. 13 yrs ago he dropped out for being racist. Don't let  him into the White House.
1 Like51 Views
The American's Creed on a huge plaque.  AWESOME.  Post and repost and repost and repost....etc.
Meme Picture Facebook saying as of Oct 1st they can remove restrict access to ur content services or informaiton.
Meme Friday is like a superhero who arrives just in time to keep me from beating my coworkers w a keyboard.
Meme Sheet costumes FUNNY 120187106_707763533157694_1905947039854794119_n
Meme Funny  In all, it was a great day.  I didnt appear on Hoarders, the first 48, etc. etc. etc. 120219799_707760799824634_4450606326015570272_n
1 Like37 Views
Meme I luv how science can tell us how ancient mummies dies yet are stymied when thousands of babies die in their sleep 48 hours after getting vaccinated.
2 Likes37 Views
Meme Kamala Harris voted to let babies who survive abortions to be given no care and let them die. KEEP SHARE
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Meme Picture Facebook saying as of Oct 1st they can remove restrict access to ur content services or informaiton.
Meme Trump crushed opponent Mike Wallace in debate. There was also another guy wandering around muttering to himself
Meme Forgiveness is taking the knife out of ur back and not using it to hurt anyone else no matter how they hurt you.