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Huron/Erie County Garage Sale
This is your garage sale site. There are very few rules. 1. Respect one another. 2. Be sure to check your product before handing over your money. AGAIN, INSPECT ALL ITEMS PRIOR TO PURCHASE!! If you purchase a broken item, admins are NOT responsible, PERIOD! Use your head!! 3. If it is proven you are selling items that are broken, stolen, or not in the condition you said they were you will be removed and blocked from the group. 4. Items NOT allowed for sale A. Guns/weapons B. Cellphones C. Anything pertaining to nudity, sex, or deemed inappropriate. 5. Your choice on who you sell to! Set a time for chosen purchaser, if they do not show or contact you, move on to next person. 6. Rules subject to change, but will be shared on wall and added to here. Admin positions available. Please enjoy and have a great day. Happy selling and shopping to all!! Admin
Denise Robinson
Jack Uselton
Jessica Riley Weaver