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Debs Nemeth

Female. Is single.
2 likes Politics
I am an Investigative Researcher examining the Globalist Authoritarian Apparatus, focusing on ground level anarcho-communism/Leftism, its roots and rise up through Liberal politics, the death of true Conservativism, the reshaping of the American socio-cultural landscape, cancel culture, the role of corporations in governance and social conditioning, NGO's, independent financiers, lobbyists, Ritual Occultism, Occult Symbolism, Mass Ritualism, Child Trafficking and ritual torture, sex and drug trafficking industry, the (unelected) Deep State, the destructive Talmudic influence behind the aforementioned. In short, the Globalist Syndicate and the multitude of institutions stifling humanity and how they all tie together in the takeover of Western Civilization. I cover subjects that I understand may make people uneasy. However, they are sourced and taken from the proverbial 'horse's mouth'. Whether people want to know the ugly truth or not, it affects our lives. We have been set on a course and the timeline is moving faster than people have been able to keep up with thus far. In an environment hostile to dissent where merely disagreeing evokes violence and draconian censorship, self-professed anarcho-communists and "Marxists" are burning down our cities and warring to reshape our culture. Leftist ground troops like Antifa and Black Lives Matter ("Black Antifa") have made communion with the mainstream media, Democrat politicians, corporations and every institution of society - as above, so below. As we move forward, we have seen that the "Left" hides their true intentions less and less as they incrementally gain power via manufactured and actual consensus. "Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times."​
Debs Nemeth
GOLDFIRE MEDIA Because The Mainstream Media Has Failed You
14 likes Politics
The People Deserve An Honest Media With Only Their Best Interests At Heart! Goldfire Media was started in 2017 in order to help bring an honest new wave of news and media onto the internet. Plans for Goldfire Media date back to early 2016. Our goal is to ensure that everyone get to hear what they deserve to hear and to protect the liberty of every person in the Western World. Goldfire Media will always be there to protect our freedom of speech and our freedom of thought and pledge to always bring out the truth and to retract any false statements and to admit when we are wrong. Our long-term goal is to fight on the frontline for independent media and to fight against the monopolization and dictation of the mainstream media. Note: Goldfire Media does not belong to a particular label or group. We may not always agree with the opinions of our contributors but we fully defend their right to express them.
Debs Nemeth
Damien Taylor
David Safier