39 members
Health and Fitness
Welcome to The Natural Health Library. This group is all about natural health. We have a FB group by the same name, founded by Terry Chamberlin, and a website where you will find a vast natural health library where you will find thousands of articles on hundreds of different health topics.
We aim to empower people with knowledge so they can take control of their own health. We have information that you won't find by googling or even from most ND's and other natural health practitioners, unless they have done their own independent research.
Our favorite topic may be colloidal silver. We have a plethora of information about colloidal silver, including how to make your own. We also sell colloidal silver brewers, that are already being used world wide by thousands of people. We have a Google Share program for those who want to connect with one of our members that makes and sells CS at a very reasonable price.
We are excited to be here at Wimkin where our freedom of speech is honored.